The Internet is part of our everyday lives, and that’s a good thing! But with screens and online activities multiplying, our connectivity is rapidly growing, increasing the risk of our Internet use becoming problematic. Hyperconnectivity can have negative psychological, physical and social impacts, such as the deterioration of interpersonal relationships, anxiety, isolation, lower self-esteem and performance, sedentary lifestyle, sleep and posture problems, etc.

Capsana developed the PAUSE campaign, with the support of the Government of Québec and private partners, to better face our new connected reality, which affects the majority of Quebecers, particularly young people, who are more “connected”.

A question of balance

The PAUSE campaign promotes a balanced use of the Internet and relies on a positive rather than moralizing approach. Specifically, PAUSE encourages young adults, teens, and parents of school-age children to become aware of their Internet and screen use and take steps to improve their digital habits and those of the entire family. It also encourages them to rediscover the benefits of regularly unplugging. PAUSE also aims to encourage the settings frequented by youth to create environments conducive to balanced connectivity.

The name PAUSE highlights the importance of regularly unplugging. Pausetoné serves as a reminder that a simple action can help us accomplish this.

The PAUSE campaign is developed with the support of a committee of experts, which includes specialists in the prevention of cyberaddiction and the promotion of healthy habits for adolescents. A support network contributes to increasing the campaign’s reach and creates links with other initiatives.

Support… online?

Despite PAUSE’s invitation to unplug, the Internet remains an indispensable tool to reach parents and young adults. The website features information, tips and advice, a blog for parents, as well as a section for youth with quizzes and a section for those working with young people. A Facebook and an Instagram page round out the communications ecosystem.

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