2019-09-16 | Press release
The importance of setting an example of digital balance

Montreal, September 16, 2019 – With an Internet connection rate that increased from 56% to 98% between 2004 and 2017, it is not surprising that screen use is a topic of concern (and tension) in many Quebec households. Even though the attention is often focused on young people and their relationships with screens, a Léger¹ survey conducted in collaboration with the PAUSE team reveals that 75% of parents of adolescents acknowledge that their own Internet use has negative effects on at least one aspect of their lives (physical health, sports and leisure activities, relationships and work). Read more

2019-08-26 | Press release
Smoke-free Family encourages Quebec parents to not smoke in the presence of children

Montreal, August 26, 2019 – Since several myths still persist, Smoke-Free Family reminds parents of the importance of taking concrete actions to protect their children from the dangers of second-hand smoke. This begins with two golden rules: making the home and car smoke-free zones and smoking far from kids outside. To help parents take action and change their habits, the campaign provides information, useful tips and advice as well as resources to help those who want to quit. Read more

The cost of physical inactivity and work absenteeism is high for organisations. Studies have shown that every dollar invested in prevention saves between $1.50 and $3 related to health problems.

For more than 25 years, Capsana’s workplace health sector has been helping organisations of all sizes promote healthy lifestyle habits and management practices to create work environments that are more conducive to physical as well as mental health. To adapt to the changing reality of organisations and to face the challenges related to adopting a healthy lifestyle in a hectic, performance-based world, Capsana has evolved in order to provide clients with new solutions and remain relevant and innovative. To present its wide range of products and services, Capsana’s workplace health sector is proud to unveil a brand new website: workplacehealth.ca. Read more

2019-01-02 | Press release
A new campaign for the 20th anniversary of the Challenge

The Quit to Win! Challenge is back with a new promotional concept for its 20th anniversary. Not to be missed, the Challenge is an annual province-wide campaign that helps Quebecers break free from tobacco. Participants commit to not smoking for 6 weeks, from February 4 to March 17, 2019, which is a realistic and meaningful first goal, considering that 6 weeks without smoking means 6 times the chances of quitting for good! Register today at quitchallenge.ca. Read more

Capsana is launching PAUSE with the support of Quebec’s Secrétariat à la jeunesse. This brand new public campaign promotes a balanced use of the Internet to prevent the risks associated with hyperconnectivity, particularly for young people, who are more vulnerable as well as more “connected”. In Quebec, it is estimated that 1 out of 5 young people show problematic Internet use. Read more

2018-10-08 | Press release
Smoke-Free Family highlights the importance of taking concrete steps to protect children’s health

Montréal, October 8, 2018 – The 14th edition of the Smoke-Free Family campaign launches today to raise awareness among Quebec parents on the dangers of second-hand smoke to children’s health. The main objective of the campaign is to encourage parents to not smoke around children and pregnant women, inside as well as outside. Read more

2018-01-24 | Press release
Dr. Christiane Laberge invites all smokers to register at quitchallenge.ca until February 5

Montreal, January 24, 2018 – As the Quebec Tobacco-Free Week continues, registrations to the Quit to Win! Challenge are in full swing. Every year, thousands of Quebec smokers commit to not smoking for 6 weeks as part of a collective challenge that provides support and motivation. Over the last 18 years, more than 436,000 people have participated in this challenge, which is based on a proven approach, and, on average, 2 out of 3 have successfully reached their goal. Moreover, according to a survey conducted by Léger, 96% of participants... Read more

2017-09-06 | Press release
Smoke-Free Family is back to raise awareness among parents

Montréal, September 6, 2017 – The Smoke-Free Family campaign is back from September 6 to October 8, 2017, to raise awareness among Quebec parents about the dangers of second-hand smoke to children’s health. Despite the clearly proven harmful effects of this toxic smoke, a Léger survey of parents who smoke shows that still 24% of them smoke regularly or occasionally in the house with children present, and 17% in the car.1 Obviously, there is still work to be done to raise awareness! Read more

2017-04-20 | Press release
With nearly 19,000 participants throughout Quebec

Montréal, April 20, 2017 – Nearly 19,000 Quebec smokers participated in the 18th edition of the Quit to Win! Challenge, which took place from February 6 to March 19. This marks a 16% increase in participation compared to 2016. According to a survey conducted by Léger, nearly 4 out of 5 participants managed to not smoke during the 6 weeks of the Challenge, an excellent success rate! Read more

2017-01-26 | Press release
The deadline for registration at quitchallenge.ca is February 6

Montréal, January 26, 2017 – There are only a few days left before the end of the registration period for the 2017 edition of the Quit to Win! Challenge. As of February 6, thousands of Quebec smokers will begin, at the same time, the challenge of not smoking for 6 weeks. In addition to a good dose of motivation, they will have access to free support tools and get the chance to win a trip for 2 to Cuba. Smokers who want to butt out have until February 6 to register at quitchallenge.ca. Read more