2014-12-29 | Press release
Register at quitchallenge.ca

Montréal, December 29, 2014 – The Quit to Win! Challenge is back for a sixteenth year, inviting Quebec smokers to take up the challenge of their lifetime: to quit smoking for at least 6 weeks, from March 1 to April 11, 2015. Registrations will take place at quitchallenge.ca up to March 1st.

Dr. Rafik Ghali, a new spokesperson

Knowing that tobacco use is a major risk factor for cardiovascular disease... Read more

Capsana is pleased to announce its new partnership with Sprout, a Canadian company whose corporate social wellness platform redefines the promotion of health and wellness in the workplace.

Currently offered in several countries, the Sprout platform encourages... Read more

The Capsana team, in association with Diabetes Québec, is proud to announce the release of its latest publication, Type 2 Diabetes: Taking Action! Prevention and Treatment. The booklet is a complete update of the content and graphics of a previous brochure, Are You Diabetic?, published in 2008. Read more

2014-10-20 | Press release
For the health of children, smoking happens outside.

Montreal, October 20, 2014 – Back for an eighth year, the Smoke-Free Family campaign reminds people of the importance of smoking outside, far away from children, in order to protect their health. In Quebec, there are over 70,000 young “second-hand smokers”. By now, the dangers of second-hand smoke have been proven and documented, yet Quebec is still last by far in the country with respect to the protection of children against this toxic smoke. Read more

Montreal, October 2, 2014 – On the occasion of the 5e Rendez-vous sur la gestion des maladies chroniques (the 5th meeting on the management of chronic diseases) being held today in Montreal, Capsana is proud to officially launch the new Let’s Discuss Health program (the LetsDiscussHealth.ca website is currently in French only). The objective of this initiative is to promote effective communication between patients and health professionals in order to improve the quality of their interactions and encourage patients to self-manage their conditions. Read more

2014-09-23 | Press release
Les municipalités gagnantes ont été reconnues lors du Colloque annuel du Réseau québécois de Villes et Villages en santé

Montréal, le 23 septembre 2013 – C’est vendredi, lors du Colloque annuel du Réseau québécois de Villes et Villages en santé, que l’équipe d’ACTI-MENU a dévoilé quelles étaient les municipalités lauréates du volet Municipalités et familles du Défi Santé 2013 pour la réalisation d’un projet d’environnement favorable aux saines habitudes de vie dans leur milieu. Ces municipalités ont été reconnues par le Dr Louis Gagnon, coprésident et fondateur d’ACTI-MENU, l’entreprise à vocation sociale initiatrice du Défi Santé. Read more

Today, Capsana launched a new publication, Taking Stock of Osteoarthritis, a 12 page patient information tool. Osteoarthritis, the most common type of joint disease, affects 1 in 10 people in Canada. Read more

Montréal, le 19 septembre 2014 – Les Villes de Gatineau, de Laval, de Larouche et de La Tuque ainsi que l’arrondissement montréalais Le Sud-Ouest ont tous été récompensés pour un projet d’environnement favorable aux saines habitudes de vie et à la santé réalisé dans leur milieu. La remise de prix s’est tenue hier au colloque annuel du Réseau québécois de Villes et Villages en santé et visait à reconnaître les meilleures initiatives des acteurs municipaux inscrits au volet Municipalités et familles... Read more

Capsana won the Distinction Award in the SME category at the Recognition Gala of the Rassemblement pour la santé et le mieux-être en entreprise on April 14. Capsana is one of the four organizations recognized for the quality of their interventions with respect to health and well-being in the workplace. Read more

BOISE, Idaho, MONTRÉAL, Québec [June 3, 2014] – The people of Quebec deserve world-class evidence-based health information written in plain language. Through the combined work of Healthwise and Capsana, over 6 million Francophones in Quebec and millions more across Canada will now have access to the Healthwise Education Solution in French for Canadians. Read more