LONDON, Ontario / MONTREAL, Quebec [July 21, 2016] – Today, Sykes Assistance Services Corporation (Sykes), a Canadian leader in Assistance Services (roadside, legal and tele-health services), and Capsana, the driving force behind Quebec’s public campaigns Quit to Win! and the Health Challenge, are announcing an agreement to work together to deliver quality healthcare solutions designed to work across the continuum from the home to the workplace, and in the primary and acute healthcare settings. Read more

2016-05-25 | Press release
A new campaign from Smoke-Free Family to support the Tobacco Control Act
Around children, we don’t smoke

Montréal, May 25, 2016 – To coincide with the enactment of a series of measures related to the Tobacco Control Act, Smoke-Free Family is back with a new ad campaign primarily focused on the dangers of children’s exposure to second-hand smoke in cars and playgrounds. Note that the measures of the Act coming into effect tomorrow focus on... Read more

2016-03-15 | Press release
Keep an eye out for the many activities organized throughout Quebec
Registration continues until March 31 at

Montréal, March 15, 2016 – The beginning of the Health Challenge is right around the corner and registration is in full swing on the site. As of March 31, participants will take up the Challenge and try to reach the three daily objectives for 6 weeks: eat at least 5 servings of fruits and vegetables, get active for at least 30 minutes, and take a break for increased wellness in life. Anaïs Favron, the campaign’s spokesperson... Read more

Capsana is proud to partner with SSQ Financial Group in improving and maintaining the health of thousands of Canadians. Read more

2016-03-01 | Press release
Anaïs Favron: Spokesperson for the 2016 <em>Health Challenge</em>!
Registration is now open at!

Montréal, March 1st, 2016 – Today marks the launch of the 12th edition of the Health Challenge. The campaign invites Quebecers to eat at least 5 servings of fruits and vegetables every day, to get active at least 30 minutes a day, and to take a break for increased wellness in life. Registration is now open at To start spring off right, this year the Health Challenge will take place form March 31 to May 11, 2016. This year’s spokesperson is the lively Anaïs Favron... Read more

2016-02-09 | Press release
Dr. Laberge reminds smokers that they have until March 1 to register for the 2016 Challenge
Quitting smoking: The challenge of a lifetime!

Montreal, February 9, 2016 – Registration for the Quit to Win! Challenge is open until March 1. Quebec smokers who want to butt out still have three weeks left to register at The Challenge involves not smoking for at least six weeks, from March 1 to April 11... Read more

2015-12-28 | Press release
Dr. Christiane Laberge invites smokers to sign up
The <em>Quit to Win! Challenge</em>: back for a 17th edition

Montréal, December 28, 2015 – The Quit to Win! Challenge is back, inviting Quebec smokers to take up the challenge of their lifetime: quit smoking for at least 6 weeks, from March 1 to April 11, 2016. Registration is open until March 1 at Read more

2015-10-21 | Press release
Dr. Christiane Laberge is the new spokesperson for the Smoke-Free Family campaign
Quebec ranks last in Canada when it comes to the protection of children from second-hand smoke!

Montreal, October 21, 2015 – For the ninth consecutive year, the Smoke-Free Family campaign invites Quebecers to make their homes and cars smoke-free to protect children’s health. This year, the campaign can count on the support of a new spokesperson: Dr. Christiane Laberge. Read more

<em>Stop Smoking Challenge</em>: A new smoking cessation program especially designed for companies

Montréal, June 17, 2015. On the strength of the expertise it has gained over the past 16 years with the Quit to Win! Challenge, Capsana is innovating and is now offering a smoking cessation program specifically designed for the workplace. The Stop Smoking Challenge is an online turnkey solution, available in French and English, which allows workplaces to provide concrete and motivating support to their employees who wish to quit smoking. Read more

Acute Coronary Syndrome: A new information tool for patients

Today, Capsana launched its new publication, Nursing My Heart Back to Health: My Top Priority, a 12 page information tool designed to support and guide patients in their recovery from acute coronary syndrome (heart attack or unstable angina).

There are an estimated 70,000 heart attacks each year in Canada... Read more

Montréal, le 5 mai 2015 – Capsana, initiatrice de la campagne Famille sans fumée et du Défi J’arrête, j’y gagne!, se réjouit du dépôt d'un projet de loi révisant la Loi sur le tabac, aujourd’hui à l’Assemblée nationale par la ministre déléguée à la Santé publique, madame Lucie Charlebois. L’organisation salue notamment les nouvelles mesures de réglementation prévues pour diminuer l’exposition à la fumée secondaire, particulièrement des enfants dans la voiture. Read more

2015-04-23 | News
The Capsana team welcomed at the National Assembly to mark the closing of the 2015 <em>Health Challenge</em>
Working together for a healthy Quebec

On April 23, Jacques Chagnon, president of the National Assembly of Quebec, hosted the Capsana team, the organization behind the Health Challenge, to mark the end of the 2015 campaign. The winners of the IGA Grand Prize and Blue Cross Health Champion prize were also announced at the event. Read more

2015-03-19 | Press release
They are currently participating in the <em>Quit to Win! Challenge</em>
Nearly 19,500 Quebecers on their way to becoming ex-smokers!

Montreal, March 19, 2015 – Since March 1, nearly 19,500 Quebec smokers are taking up the challenge of their lifetime by participating in the Quit to Win! Challenge. They have committed to not smoking for at least 6 weeks, from March 1 until April 11. Year after year, for the past 16 years now, thousands of Quebecers choose the Challenge as their ally in their attempt to quit smoking... Read more

2015-02-23 | Press release
Register today at!
Last Chance to Join the <em>Health Challenge</em>

Montreal, February 23, 2015 – Registration for the 5/30 Health and Wellness Challenge closes next week. Back for the 11th year, the campaign encourages Quebecers to become health champions by aiming to reach 3 health goals over 6 weeks, from March 1 to April 11, in other words, to eat at least 5 servings of fruit and vegetables a day, get active at least 30 minutes a day, and take a break for increased wellness in life. Registration is underway at Read more

2015-02-17 | Press release
Register now at
Final sprint to register for the challenge of your lifetime!

Montreal, February 17, 2015 – Registrations for the Quit to Win! Challenge are in full swing. Quebec smokers are invited to take up the challenge of their life: to quit smoking for at least 6 weeks, from March 1 to April 11. Registrations are underway at until March 1. Don’t delay, there are only two weeks left to register! Read more

2015-01-22 | Press release
Register at by March 1
Become a health champion by taking up the <em>5/30 Health and Wellness Challenge</em>

Montreal, January 22, 2015 – Motivating Quebecers to achieve three health goals, the 11th annual 5/30 Health and Wellness Challenge was launched this morning at the Montreal Museum of Fine Arts. From March 1 to April 11, 2015, Quebecers are encouraged to eat 5 servings of fruit and vegetables a day, get active at least 30 minutes a day, and take a break for increased wellness in life... Read more

Psya, a leader in health care in France, Spain and Italy and a specialist in the prevention and management of psychosocial risks and the promotion of health and wellness in the workplace, recently announced its acquisition of the French firm DeuxPointCinq, one of Capsana’s health care partners. Read more

2014-12-29 | Press release
Register at
Take up the challenge of your lifetime!

Montréal, December 29, 2014 – The Quit to Win! Challenge is back for a sixteenth year, inviting Quebec smokers to take up the challenge of their lifetime: to quit smoking for at least 6 weeks, from March 1 to April 11, 2015. Registrations will take place at up to March 1st.

Dr. Rafik Ghali, a new spokesperson

Knowing that tobacco use is a major risk factor for cardiovascular disease... Read more

Capsana is pleased to announce its new partnership with Sprout, a Canadian company whose corporate social wellness platform redefines the promotion of health and wellness in the workplace.

Currently offered in several countries, the Sprout platform encourages... Read more

New publication for patients: <em>Type 2 Diabetes: Taking Action! Prevention and Treatment</em>

The Capsana team, in association with Diabetes Québec, is proud to announce the release of its latest publication, Type 2 Diabetes: Taking Action! Prevention and Treatment. The booklet is a complete update of the content and graphics of a previous brochure, Are You Diabetic?, published in 2008. Read more