2014-11-28 | News

New publication for patients: Type 2 Diabetes: Taking Action! Prevention and Treatment

New publication for patients: <em>Type 2 Diabetes: Taking Action! Prevention and Treatment</em>

The Capsana team, in association with Diabetes Québec, is proud to announce the release of its latest publication, Type 2 Diabetes: Taking Action! Prevention and Treatment. The booklet is a complete update of the content and graphics of a previous brochure, Are You Diabetic?, published in 2008.

One in ten Canadians are diabetic, and 90% of them have Type 2 diabetes. Though heredity is a factor in this type of diabetes, it is closely linked to lifestyle habits. The 12 page publication is intended both for patients who want to avoid developing diabetes and for those who have recently been diagnosed. Written in simple, clear language, it contains current information about various aspects of the condition: diagnostic criteria, risk factors, healthy lifestyle habits to adopt, and ways to manage the disease.

New: Digital version

The publication is available in English and French, in print form, as a downloadable PDF file, and—a first for the Capsana publication team—in digital format through iBooks, so that interested patients can download it to their iPad or other Apple device. It can be ordered or downloaded from publications.capsana.ca/en.

The publication Type 2 Diabetes: Taking Action! Prevention and Treatment was produced by Capsana in association with Diabetes Québec, with funding from AstraZeneca and the support of the Quebec Ministry of Health and Social Services, the Quebec College of Family Physicians, the Fédération des médecins omnipraticiens du Québec, the Fédération des médecins spécialistes du Québec, the Association des médecins endocrinologues du Québec, the Ordre des infirmières et infirmiers du Québec, the Ordre des pharmaciens du Québec, and the Ordre professionnel des diététistes du Québec.

For health care professionals, this publication makes an excellent complement to patient information and explanations given during consultations.

For more information or to order Capsana’s publications, visit publications.capsana.ca/en.

About Capsana’s publications

For 15 years, Capsana has been developing and producing publications on various health-related topics, including themed series on cardiovascular health, mental health and bone health. Developed by health care professionals and experts and supported by reputable health care organizations, Capsana’s publications contain current, accurate information based on the latest guidelines and recommendations, and are known for their rigorous, credible content. They are available through the public health care network, in medical clinics, and at selected pharmacies.