2018-01-24 | Press release

Quit to Win! Challenge: Six weeks without smoking, six times the chances of quitting for good

Dr. Christiane Laberge invites all smokers to register at quitchallenge.ca until February 5

<em>Quit to Win! Challenge</em>: Six weeks without smoking, six times the chances of quitting for good

Montreal, January 24, 2018 – As the Quebec Tobacco-Free Week continues, registrations to the Quit to Win! Challenge are in full swing. Every year, thousands of Quebec smokers commit to not smoking for 6 weeks as part of a collective challenge that provides support and motivation. Over the last 18 years, more than 436,000 people have participated in this challenge, which is based on a proven approach, and, on average, 2 out of 3 have successfully reached their goal. Moreover, according to a survey conducted by Léger, 96% of participants would recommend the Challenge to their family and friends to help them break tobacco’s hold.

A motivating, collective challenge

The campaign’s spokesperson, Dr. Christiane Laberge, encourages all smokers who would like to quit to participate in the Challenge… and there are many of them, as it is estimated that nearly 60% of Quebec smokers (about 780,000 people) want to be done with tobacco. “The Quit to Win! Challenge is an annual event that is not to be missed. Participants are supported, encouraged and become part of a large community. Support is the key to successfully quitting; in fact, one of the Challenge’s greatest strengths is its collective approach. With the Challenge, participants do not feel alone!”

New – targeted messaging for young smokers

While tobacco use has considerably decreased among high school students over the last 20 years, the number of smokers between the ages of 18 and 25 has remained relatively steady, and many young adults have picked up the habit in CEGEP or when they begin their first job.1 In light of this, a campaign specifically targeting young adult smokers was developed. “If I quit, what do I win?” highlights the concrete and short-term benefits of quitting: saving money, improving their appearance, and not missing out. A special prize is also reserved for participants to the Challenge age 18 to 24: an iPhone 7.

Why register for the Challenge?

  • Participants have access to many free support tools during and after the Challenge such as a personal online profile, encouragement emails, a calendar to track their progress during the 6 weeks, and the Jean Coutu Quit Kit. They can also join the Facebook community to share with other participants, download the SOS Challenge mobile app, or get help by phone or in person through the I QUIT NOW services (the helpline at1-866-527-7383 and the Quit Smoking Centres).
  • 2 trips to Punta Cana, courtesy of Air Transat and Grand Palladium Palace Resort Spa & Casino, and 5 Jean Coutu gift cards, a value of $100 each, will be drawn among participants.
  • It has been proven that smokers who succeed in not lighting up for 6 weeks multiply by 6 their chances of quitting for good.2

With the Quit to Win! Challenge, this time it’s for good!

About the Quit to Win! Challenge

The Quit to Win! Challenge is a province-wide campaign that provides free support to smokers who want to quit through a collective challenge. Created in 2000 by Capsana, the Challenge is carried out in partnership with several public and private organizations, including the Ministère de la Santé et des Services sociaux, Quebec’s Directions régionales de santé publique, the Canadian Cancer Society and the Jean Coutu Group. To find out more, visit quitchallenge.ca.

About Capsana

Capsana is a social enterprise owned by the ÉPIC Foundation, which is associated with the Montreal Heart Institute, and the Fondation PSI. Its mission is to help individuals take an active role in their health. To find out more, visit capsana.ca.

1. Gagné, T. & Veenstra. G. (2017). Trends in smoking initiation in Canada: Does non-inclusion of young adults in tobacco control strategies represent a missed opportunity? Canadian Journal of Public Health, 108 (1), e14-e20.

2. West, R. & Stapleton, J. (2008). Clinical and public health significance of treatments to aid smoking cessation. European Respiratory Review, 17 (110), 199-204. http://err.ersjournals.com/content/17/110/199