2025-01-25 | News
Tips, advice, and a resource directory for parents
Nous, parents: How to make the most of parenthood

Montreal, January 20, 2025. – Quebec parents report being generally satisfied with their role, but also claim they feel significant pressure. This is one of the key findings from the Être parent au Québec survey1. The new Nous, parents initiative aims to support parents by helping them feel more understood, confident, and valued, while acknowledging their reality. Through an advertising campaign and the website nousparents.ca/en/, parents are guided, without judgment, through an engaged and balanced parenting approach, fostering the development and well-being of their children, as well as their own well-being and that of the whole family. The site also provides a directory of reliable resources and free services for parents. Read more

The cost of physical inactivity and work absenteeism is high for organisations. Studies have shown that every dollar invested in prevention saves between $1.50 and $3 related to health problems.

For more than 25 years, Capsana’s workplace health sector has been helping organisations of all sizes promote healthy lifestyle habits and management practices to create work environments that are more conducive to physical as well as mental health. To adapt to the changing reality of organisations and to face the challenges related to adopting a healthy lifestyle in a hectic, performance-based world, Capsana has evolved in order to provide clients with new solutions and remain relevant and innovative. To present its wide range of products and services, Capsana’s workplace health sector is proud to unveil a brand new website: workplacehealth.ca. Read more

PAUSE: for a balanced use of the Internet

Capsana is launching PAUSE with the support of Quebec’s Secrétariat à la jeunesse. This brand new public campaign promotes a balanced use of the Internet to prevent the risks associated with hyperconnectivity, particularly for young people, who are more vulnerable as well as more “connected”. In Quebec, it is estimated that 1 out of 5 young people show problematic Internet use. Read more

Les maladies du cœur et l'AVC figurent encore parmi les principales causes de décès et d'hospitalisation au pays. Il est toutefois possible de prévenir jusqu’à 80 % des maladies du cœur et des AVC précoces en adoptant de saines habitudes de vie.

Un an après le lancement d’un 1er espace... Read more

Thanks to the financial support of the Public Health Agency of Canada, Capsana is proud to launch Activate Your Health, a new initiative to promote healthy habits in the workplace.

Activate Your Health will be implemented in several... Read more

Capsana is proud to partner with SSQ Financial Group in improving and maintaining the health of thousands of Canadians. Read more

Acute Coronary Syndrome: A new information tool for patients

Today, Capsana launched its new publication, Nursing My Heart Back to Health: My Top Priority, a 12 page information tool designed to support and guide patients in their recovery from acute coronary syndrome (heart attack or unstable angina).

There are an estimated 70,000 heart attacks each year in Canada... Read more

2015-04-23 | News
The Capsana team welcomed at the National Assembly to mark the closing of the 2015 <em>Health Challenge</em>
Working together for a healthy Quebec

On April 23, Jacques Chagnon, president of the National Assembly of Quebec, hosted the Capsana team, the organization behind the Health Challenge, to mark the end of the 2015 campaign. The winners of the IGA Grand Prize and Blue Cross Health Champion prize were also announced at the event. Read more

Psya, a leader in health care in France, Spain and Italy and a specialist in the prevention and management of psychosocial risks and the promotion of health and wellness in the workplace, recently announced its acquisition of the French firm DeuxPointCinq, one of Capsana’s health care partners. Read more

Capsana is pleased to announce its new partnership with Sprout, a Canadian company whose corporate social wellness platform redefines the promotion of health and wellness in the workplace.

Currently offered in several countries, the Sprout platform encourages... Read more

New publication for patients: <em>Type 2 Diabetes: Taking Action! Prevention and Treatment</em>

The Capsana team, in association with Diabetes Québec, is proud to announce the release of its latest publication, Type 2 Diabetes: Taking Action! Prevention and Treatment. The booklet is a complete update of the content and graphics of a previous brochure, Are You Diabetic?, published in 2008. Read more

Capsana launches a new publication, <em>Taking Stock of Osteoarthritis</em>

Today, Capsana launched a new publication, Taking Stock of Osteoarthritis, a 12 page patient information tool. Osteoarthritis, the most common type of joint disease, affects 1 in 10 people in Canada. Read more

Capsana named the winner of the 2014 Distinction Award – SME Category – by the Healthy Enterprises Group

Capsana won the Distinction Award in the SME category at the Recognition Gala of the Rassemblement pour la santé et le mieux-être en entreprise on April 14. Capsana is one of the four organizations recognized for the quality of their interventions with respect to health and well-being in the workplace. Read more

ACTI-MENU obtains <em>Healthy Enterprise – Elite</em> certification

The ACTI MENU team is pleased to announce that the organization has obtained the Healthy Enterprise – Elite certification from the Bureau de normalisation du Québec (BNQ). This certification, the highest level of the Healthy Enterprise standard for workplace health, reflects ACTI MENU’s commitment to the health and well-being of its employees. Read more

National Assembly hosts 2013 <em>5/30 Health and Wellness Challenge</em> team to emphasize the importance of healthy lifestyle habits

To celebrate the success of the 2013 Health Challenge campaign, the President of the National Assembly invited the Health Challenge and ACTI MENU teams to a reception and luncheon at Le Parlementaire restaurant. The winners of the IGA Grand Prize and the Desjardins Family Prize were also announced at the event. Read more

L'équipe d'ACTI-MENU est heureuse de vous annoncer que le Défi Santé 5/30 Équilibre a remporté le prix dans la catégorie Vote du public lors de la première édition du gala DUX 2013 qui s'est tenu au marché Bonsecours le 16 janvier dernier. La campagne était finaliste et a été récompensée pour avoir contribué le plus aux saines habitudes alimentaires dans la dernière année. Read more