2015-12-28 | Press release
Dr. Christiane Laberge invites smokers to sign up
The <em>Quit to Win! Challenge</em>: back for a 17th edition

Montréal, December 28, 2015 – The Quit to Win! Challenge is back, inviting Quebec smokers to take up the challenge of their lifetime: quit smoking for at least 6 weeks, from March 1 to April 11, 2016. Registration is open until March 1 at quitchallenge.ca... Read more

2015-10-21 | Press release
Dr. Christiane Laberge is the new spokesperson for the Smoke-Free Family campaign
Quebec ranks last in Canada when it comes to the protection of children from second-hand smoke!

Montreal, October 21, 2015 – For the ninth consecutive year, the Smoke-Free Family campaign invites Quebecers to make their homes and cars smoke-free to protect children’s health. This year, the campaign can count on the support of a new spokesperson: Dr. Christiane Laberge. Read more

<em>Stop Smoking Challenge</em>: A new smoking cessation program especially designed for companies

Montréal, June 17, 2015. On the strength of the expertise it has gained over the past 16 years with the Quit to Win! Challenge, Capsana is innovating and is now offering a smoking cessation program specifically designed for the workplace. The Stop Smoking Challenge is an online turnkey solution, available in French and English, which allows workplaces to provide concrete and motivating support to their employees who wish to quit smoking. Read more

Montréal, le 5 mai 2015 – Capsana, initiatrice de la campagne Famille sans fumée et du Défi J’arrête, j’y gagne!, se réjouit du dépôt d'un projet de loi révisant la Loi sur le tabac, aujourd’hui à l’Assemblée nationale par la ministre déléguée à la Santé publique, madame Lucie Charlebois. L’organisation salue notamment les nouvelles mesures de réglementation prévues pour diminuer l’exposition à la fumée secondaire, particulièrement des enfants dans la voiture. Read more

2015-03-19 | Press release
They are currently participating in the <em>Quit to Win! Challenge</em>
Nearly 19,500 Quebecers on their way to becoming ex-smokers!

Montreal, March 19, 2015 – Since March 1, nearly 19,500 Quebec smokers are taking up the challenge of their lifetime by participating in the Quit to Win! Challenge. They have committed to not smoking for at least 6 weeks, from March 1 until April 11. Year after year, for the past 16 years now, thousands of Quebecers choose the Challenge as their ally in their attempt to quit smoking... Read more

2015-02-23 | Press release
Register today at HealthChallenge.ca!
Last Chance to Join the <em>Health Challenge</em>

Montreal, February 23, 2015 – Registration for the 5/30 Health and Wellness Challenge closes next week. Back for the 11th year, the campaign encourages Quebecers to become health champions by aiming to reach 3 health goals over 6 weeks, from March 1 to April 11, in other words, to eat at least 5 servings of fruit and vegetables a day, get active at least 30 minutes a day, and take a break for increased wellness in life. Registration is underway at HealthChallenge.ca. Read more

2015-02-17 | Press release
Register now at quitchallenge.ca
Final sprint to register for the challenge of your lifetime!

Montreal, February 17, 2015 – Registrations for the Quit to Win! Challenge are in full swing. Quebec smokers are invited to take up the challenge of their life: to quit smoking for at least 6 weeks, from March 1 to April 11. Registrations are underway at quitchallenge.ca until March 1. Don’t delay, there are only two weeks left to register! Read more

2015-01-22 | Press release
Register at HealthChallenge.ca by March 1
Become a health champion by taking up the <em>5/30 Health and Wellness Challenge</em>

Montreal, January 22, 2015 – Motivating Quebecers to achieve three health goals, the 11th annual 5/30 Health and Wellness Challenge was launched this morning at the Montreal Museum of Fine Arts. From March 1 to April 11, 2015, Quebecers are encouraged to eat 5 servings of fruit and vegetables a day, get active at least 30 minutes a day, and take a break for increased wellness in life... Read more

2014-12-29 | Press release
Register at quitchallenge.ca
Take up the challenge of your lifetime!

Montréal, December 29, 2014 – The Quit to Win! Challenge is back for a sixteenth year, inviting Quebec smokers to take up the challenge of their lifetime: to quit smoking for at least 6 weeks, from March 1 to April 11, 2015. Registrations will take place at quitchallenge.ca up to March 1st.

Dr. Rafik Ghali, a new spokesperson

Knowing that tobacco use is a major risk factor for cardiovascular disease... Read more

2014-02-17 | Press release
Hurry! There are only two weeks left to register!
The <em>5/30 Health and Wellness Challenge</em>—Let's Get Healthy!

Montreal, February 17, 2014 – Eat better, get more active, and sleep better—that's the message being sent out this year by the 5/30 Health and Wellness Challenge team! The campaign—back for year 10—encourages Quebecers to improve their lifestyle by making a commitment to achieve three goals for six weeks, from March 1 to April 11. Registration is open at www.healthchallenge.ca until March 1st. Free support and prizes are available to all participants! Read more

2013-02-26 | Press release
Registrations are open until Friday, March 1 inclusively.

Montréal, February 26, 2013 – There are only 72 hours left to register for the 5/30 Health and Wellness Challenge and the Quit to Win! Challenge, two campaigns promoting healthy lifestyle habits initiated by ACTI-MENU.

Quebecers are invited to register for free immediately, by visiting... Read more

2013-02-20 | Press release
Il reste 10 jours pour s’inscrire et se joindre à la plus vaste campagne québécoise de promotion des saines habitudes de vie

Montréal, le 20 février 2013 – Le Défi Santé atteindra bientôt la marque du million d’inscriptions depuis sa création en 2005. En effet, c’est la semaine prochaine que l’équipe du Défi Santé estime que ce jalon important sera atteint. Depuis ses débuts il y a 9 ans, le Défi Santé aura encouragé près de 1 000 000 de Québécois et Québécoises à faire des gestes concrets pour améliorer leur santé et leurs habitudes de vie. Read more

11/04/13 | Press release
The dangers of second-hand smoke are well-known today. Let’s take action to protect our children!
Today, smoking takes place outside!

Montreal, November 4, 2013 – In Quebec, 70,000 children under the age of 12 are still regularly exposed to second-hand smoke at home or in the car. An unacceptable situation, because the dangers of this toxic smoke to the health of children, little known a few decades ago, are today clearly proven. Read more

10/30/13 | Press release
A new name and a new identity to mark ACTI MENU’s 25th birthday

Montreal, October 30, 2013 – ACTI MENU today officially became Capsana, in a rebranding that reflects the evolution of the organization’s spectrum of services and activities over its 25 year history. Its new name, logo and website were unveiled this morning. Read more

10/20/14 | Press release
For the health of children, smoking happens outside.
Over 70,000 young second-hand smokers in Quebec!

Montreal, October 20, 2014 – Back for an eighth year, the Smoke-Free Family campaign reminds people of the importance of smoking outside, far away from children, in order to protect their health. In Quebec, there are over 70,000 young “second-hand smokers”. By now, the dangers of second-hand smoke have been proven and documented, yet Quebec is still last by far in the country with respect to the protection of children against this toxic smoke. Read more

10/12/12 | Press release
A simple gesture can protect them and prevent them from experiencing serious health problems
Quebec last by far: 89,000 children are regularly exposed to second-hand smoke

Montreal, October 20, 2012 – Because their parents smoke or allow others to smoke in the house or car, over 89,000 Quebec children (nearly one out of ten) are still regularly exposed to second-hand smoke. The 6th Smoke-Free Family campaign was launched this morning in order to make parents aware of the dangers of second-hand smoke to the health of children. Read more

10/03/13 | Press release
An innovative project by ACTI-MENU, made possible with the support of Santé des Populations and funding from AstraZeneca

Montreal, October 3, 2013 – ACTI-MENU is pleased to announce the development of the Let’s Discuss Health program, produced in collaboration with Drs. Marie-Thérèse Lussier and Claude Richard of the Primary Care Research Team at the CSSS de Laval. Scheduled to launch in September 2014... Read more

<em>Let’s Discuss Health</em>: An innovative program to help patients and professionals communicate more effectively

Montreal, October 2, 2014 – On the occasion of the 5e Rendez-vous sur la gestion des maladies chroniques (the 5th meeting on the management of chronic diseases) being held today in Montreal, Capsana is proud to officially launch the new Let’s Discuss Health program (the LetsDiscussHealth.ca website is currently in French only). The objective of this initiative is to promote effective communication between patients and health professionals in order to improve the quality of their interactions and encourage patients to self-manage their conditions. Read more

09/23/14 | Press release
Les municipalités gagnantes ont été reconnues lors du Colloque annuel du Réseau québécois de Villes et Villages en santé

Montréal, le 23 septembre 2013 – C’est vendredi, lors du Colloque annuel du Réseau québécois de Villes et Villages en santé, que l’équipe d’ACTI-MENU a dévoilé quelles étaient les municipalités lauréates du volet Municipalités et familles du Défi Santé 2013 pour la réalisation d’un projet d’environnement favorable aux saines habitudes de vie dans leur milieu. Ces municipalités ont été reconnues par le Dr Louis Gagnon, coprésident et fondateur d’ACTI-MENU, l’entreprise à vocation sociale initiatrice du Défi Santé. Read more

Montréal, le 19 septembre 2014 – Les Villes de Gatineau, de Laval, de Larouche et de La Tuque ainsi que l’arrondissement montréalais Le Sud-Ouest ont tous été récompensés pour un projet d’environnement favorable aux saines habitudes de vie et à la santé réalisé dans leur milieu. La remise de prix s’est tenue hier au colloque annuel du Réseau québécois de Villes et Villages en santé et visait à reconnaître les meilleures initiatives des acteurs municipaux inscrits au volet Municipalités et familles... Read more