
Juin 2015

<em>Stop Smoking Challenge</em>: A new smoking cessation program especially designed for companies

Montréal, June 17, 2015. On the strength of the expertise it has gained over the past 16 years with the Quit to Win! Challenge, Capsana is innovating and is now offering a smoking cessation program specifically designed for the workplace. The Stop Smoking Challenge is an online turnkey solution, available in French and English, which allows workplaces to provide concrete and motivating support to their employees who wish to quit smoking. Read more

Acute Coronary Syndrome: A new information tool for patients

Today, Capsana launched its new publication, Nursing My Heart Back to Health: My Top Priority, a 12 page information tool designed to support and guide patients in their recovery from acute coronary syndrome (heart attack or unstable angina).

There are an estimated 70,000 heart attacks each year in Canada... Read more