
October 2014

2014-10-20 | Press release
For the health of children, smoking happens outside.

Montreal, October 20, 2014 – Back for an eighth year, the Smoke-Free Family campaign reminds people of the importance of smoking outside, far away from children, in order to protect their health. In Quebec, there are over 70,000 young “second-hand smokers”. By now, the dangers of second-hand smoke have been proven and documented, yet Quebec is still last by far in the country with respect to the protection of children against this toxic smoke. Read more

Montreal, October 2, 2014 – On the occasion of the 5e Rendez-vous sur la gestion des maladies chroniques (the 5th meeting on the management of chronic diseases) being held today in Montreal, Capsana is proud to officially launch the new Let’s Discuss Health program (the website is currently in French only). The objective of this initiative is to promote effective communication between patients and health professionals in order to improve the quality of their interactions and encourage patients to self-manage their conditions. Read more