
Juin 2014

Capsana named the winner of the 2014 Distinction Award – SME Category – by the Healthy Enterprises Group

Capsana won the Distinction Award in the SME category at the Recognition Gala of the Rassemblement pour la santé et le mieux-être en entreprise on April 14. Capsana is one of the four organizations recognized for the quality of their interventions with respect to health and well-being in the workplace. Read more

Health Education Leaders Healthwise and Capsana Reach More Canadians With Health Education in French

BOISE, Idaho, MONTRÉAL, Québec [June 3, 2014] – The people of Quebec deserve world-class evidence-based health information written in plain language. Through the combined work of Healthwise and Capsana, over 6 million Francophones in Quebec and millions more across Canada will now have access to the Healthwise Education Solution in French for Canadians. Read more