
Février 2014

2014-02-17 | Press release
Hurry! There are only two weeks left to register!
The <em>5/30 Health and Wellness Challenge</em>—Let's Get Healthy!

Montreal, February 17, 2014 – Eat better, get more active, and sleep better—that's the message being sent out this year by the 5/30 Health and Wellness Challenge team! The campaign—back for year 10—encourages Quebecers to improve their lifestyle by making a commitment to achieve three goals for six weeks, from March 1 to April 11. Registration is open at until March 1st. Free support and prizes are available to all participants! Read more

02/24/14 | Press release
Plus de 450 municipalités et communautés locales s’engagent à promouvoir un mode de vie sain et physiquement actif!

Montréal, le 24 février 2014 – Alors que les inscriptions à la campagne provinciale battent leur plein, un nombre record de 459 municipalités et communautés locales prennent part au volet Municipalités et familles du Défi Santé 5/30 Équilibre. Créé en 2011, ce volet du Défi Santé invite les acteurs municipaux et des communautés locales à faire la promotion d’un mode de vie physiquement actif et d’une saine alimentation dans leur milieu. Read more

02/19/14 | Press release
The Quit to Win! Challenge offers you free support and the chance to win one of numerous prizes!
Last days to register for the challenge of a lifetime!

Montreal, February 19, 2014 – There are only ten days left to register for the 2014 Quit to Win! Challenge. The campaign, which invites Quebec smokers to quit for at least 6 weeks, will take place from March 1 to April 11, 2014. Smokers who wish to take up the Challenge have until March 1 to register by visiting Read more