Nos publications

Capsana's publications

Capsana began distributing its publications in the late 1990s via the public health network, medical clinics and selected pharmacies. Our publications are valuable information and outreach tools known for their rigorous, accessible, credible content.

Developed by health care professionals and experts and supported by reputable health care organizations, our materials contain current, accurate information based on the latest guidelines and recommendations.

Written in plain language, our publications offer accessible, credible content and a colourful, reader-friendly layout. For patients, they provide answers to frequently asked questions, and suggest ways to take a more active role in managing their health.

For professionals, our publications complement and reinforce the patient information and explanations given during consultations.

In all, Capsana has published nearly 30 titles on various health-related topics, including themed series on cardiovascular health, mental health and bone health.

The publications are no longer available in printed format. Downloading the document is permitted as long as the conditions of use are respected.


Type 2 diabetes : Taking action !

This publication on Type 2 diabetes is intended for patients who want to prevent the disease as well as those recently diagnosed. It deals with the various facets of the disease: diagnostic criteria, risk factors, healthy lifestyle habits as well as ways to control the disease.

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The AstraZeneca logo is a registered trademark of the AstraZeneca group of companies
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  • PDF (970 Ko), 8,5 x 11, 12 pages
  • iBooks (for iPad only)
Taking care of diabetes

The number of people affected by diabetes is growing, and close to a third of those afflicted are not aware that they are. This publication explains the difference between type 1 and type 2 diabetes and why you should be concerned. It describes the various ways to manage the disease, including adopting 4 winning strategies and self-monitoring of blood glucose (SMBG).

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The AstraZeneca logo is a registered trademark of the AstraZeneca group of companies
Download the document (713 Ko), 8,5 x 11, 4 pages
Controlling your diabetes

Blood sugar levels too high? This document explains the three basic dietary principles for managing your levels—quantity, quality and regularity—and the “sugar cube method” to help you distribute your carbohydrate intake evenly throughout the day.

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The AstraZeneca logo is a registered trademark of the AstraZeneca group of companies
Download the document (790 Ko), 8,5 x 11, 2 pages


Taking Stock of Osteoarthritis

This publication gives patients a better understanding of osteoarthritis, the most common type of joint disease, which affects 1 in 10 people in Canada. The publication contains information about how to prevent the condition or slow its progress, and recommends ways to relieve symptoms and live better with osteoarthritis.

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The AstraZeneca logo is a registered trademark of the AstraZeneca group of companies
Download the document (642 Ko), 8,5 x 11, 12 pages

Bone Health series:
Taking Care of your Bones

Taking care of your bones

One in ten Canadians have reported suffering a bone fracture after age 40. Breaking a wrist, vertebra, or hip can be devastating. This brochure contains a test to help you assess your risk of fracture, and provides information and tips on how you can play an active role in keeping your bones strong and healthy.

In collaboration with the MSSS (the Quebec Ministère de la Santé et des Services sociaux)
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Download the document (1.67 Mo), 8,5 x 11, 12 pages
Eating well for healthy bones

Calcium and vitamin D are a winning combination for strong bones at any age. What are the recommended quantities? What are the best sources? What about supplements? This publication answers these questions and provides useful tips for putting theory into practice.

In collaboration with the MSSS (the Quebec Ministère de la Santé et des Services sociaux)
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Download the document (922 Ko), 8,5 x 11, 2 pages
Getting active for healthy bones

Physical activity plays a key role in preventing fractures. This publication includes a quick test, explains the types of activities that keep the body strong and agile, and offers solutions for taking action.

In collaboration with the MSSS (the Quebec Ministère de la Santé et des Services sociaux)
Made possible through the support of and
Télécharger le document (918 Ko), 8,5 x 11, 2 pages
Preventing falls for healthy bones

Every year, 1 in 5 Quebecers age 65 and older suffer a serious fall, which all too often has serious consequences for their physical and mental health. This publication explains eight practical ways to prevent falls, and provides useful information about each method.

In collaboration with the MSSS (the Quebec Ministère de la Santé et des Services sociaux)
Download the document (918 Ko), 8,5 x 11, 2 pages

Cardiovascular Health

Two 12-page publications are available: one on prevention and the other on acute coronary syndrome. Leaflets on risk factors may be great additions to these publications, depending on the person’s needs.

Do you have a healthy heart?

About 3 in 10 people die of cardiovascular disease. This document invites readers to assess their risk by answering a questionnaire, and to take steps to modify 6 decisive risk factors to improve their cardiovascular health.

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The AstraZeneca logo is a registered trademark of the AstraZeneca group of companies
Download the document (1.02 Mo), 8,5 x 11, 12 pages
Nursing My Heart Back to Health: My Top Priority
(acute coronary syndrome)

This publication covers key topics for patients who have had acute coronary syndrome (a heart attack or unstable angina). Patients will find the answers to many of their questions about medical treatment, returning home, healthy living, medication, and symptoms to look out for.

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The AstraZeneca logo is a registered trademark of the AstraZeneca group of companies
Download the document (1.3 Mo), 8,5 x 11, 12 pages
Cholesterol: How much is too much?

An elevated cholesterol level is an important risk factor for certain cardiovascular diseases. This brochure presents 4 winning strategies for limiting the risk.

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The AstraZeneca logo is a registered trademark of the AstraZeneca group of companies
Download the document (1.7 Mo), 8,5 x 11, 4 pages
Controlling your cholesterol (and triglyceride) levels

High cholesterol or triglyceride levels? This document explains how eating a healthy diet—one of 4 winning strategies for controlling cholesterol levels—can help you improve the situation and reduce or eliminate your need for medication.

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The AstraZeneca logo is a registered trademark of the AstraZeneca group of companies
Download the document (631 Ko), 8,5 x 11, 2 pages
High blood pressure - Caution!

More than a third of people suffering from hypertension (high blood pressure) don't know it, because they don't feel sick. But hypertension can cause complications as serious as heart attack and cerebral hemorrhage. This document presents some habits you can adopt in order to reduce your risk.

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The AstraZeneca logo is a registered trademark of the AstraZeneca group of companies
Download the document (1.3 Mo), 8,5 x 11, 4 pages
Controlling your blood pressure

Has your doctor told you your blood pressure is borderline or too high? You can take action! This publication explains how a healthy diet can help you lower your blood pressure and reduce or eliminate your need for medication.

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The AstraZeneca logo is a registered trademark of the AstraZeneca group of companies
Download the document (603 Ko), 8,5 x 11, 2 pages
Taking care of diabetes

The number of people affected by diabetes is growing, and close to a third of those afflicted are not aware that they are. This publication explains the difference between type 1 and type 2 diabetes and why you should be concerned. It describes the various ways to manage the disease, including adopting 4 winning strategies and self-monitoring of blood glucose (SMBG).

Made possible through the support of
The AstraZeneca logo is a registered trademark of the AstraZeneca group of companies
Download the document (713 Ko), 8,5 x 11, 4 pages
Controlling your diabetes

Blood sugar levels too high? This document explains the three basic dietary principles for managing your levels—quantity, quality and regularity—and the “sugar cube method” to help you distribute your carbohydrate intake evenly throughout the day.

Made possible through the support of
The AstraZeneca logo is a registered trademark of the AstraZeneca group of companies
Download the document (790 Ko), 8,5 x 11, 2 pages
Be more active, lead a better life!

80% of people wish they were more active, but only half of them do something about it. This publication explains the benefits of physical activity, and offers tips to help you make lasting changes in your exercise habits.

Made possible through the support of
The AstraZeneca logo is a registered trademark of the AstraZeneca group of companies
Download the document (1.18 Mo), 8,5 x 11, 4 pages
Is your weight weighing down on your health?

Excess weight significantly increases the risk of heart disease, hypertension, diabetes and other illnesses. Fortunately, a few small changes, such as increasing your level of physical activity and improving your diet, can make a big difference in helping you reach and maintain a healthy weight.

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The AstraZeneca logo is a registered trademark of the AstraZeneca group of companies
Download the document (669 Ko), 8,5 x 11, 4 pages
Stop smoking, take control!

1 in 5 Canadians smoke. Quitting can be tough, but it is possible to free yourself from tobacco dependency! If you're thinking about quitting in the next few months, this publication should prove highly useful.

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The AstraZeneca logo is a registered trademark of the AstraZeneca group of companies
Download the document (294 Ko), 8,5 x 11, 4 pages
Metabolic syndrome: Time to take action!

Health factors in metabolic syndrome include an excess of weight around the waist, high blood pressure, and elevated triglyceride and blood sugar levels. Though metabolic syndrome generally does not bring on symptoms, it is a major threat to health. This publication helps you assess whether you have metabolic syndrome, and presents 4 winning strategies for effective action.

Made possible through the support of
The AstraZeneca logo is a registered trademark of the AstraZeneca group of companies
Download the document (368 Ko), 8,5 x 11, 2 pages

Mental Health series:
Taking Care of your Mental Health

Taking care of your mental health!

Raises patient awareness (by means of a questionnaire) of protective factors for mental health, and provides information about certain mental health disorders.

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Download the document (850 Ko), 8,5 x 11, 12 pages
Understanding and overcoming depression

Provides information for patients and their loved ones about the signs, symptoms and consequences of depression, and about the preferred treatments.

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Download the document (439 Ko), 8,5 x 11, 4 pages
Understanding and overcoming anxiety disorders

Provides information for patients and their loved ones about the signs, symptoms and consequences of anxiety disorders, and about the preferred treatments.

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Download the document (481 Ko), 8,5 x 11, 4 pages
Understanding and controlling bipolar disorder

Provides information for patients and their loved ones about the signs, symptoms and consequences of bipolar disorder, and about the preferred treatments.

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Download the document (412 Ko), 8,5 x 11, 4 pages
Understanding and controlling schizophrenia

Provides information for patients and their loved ones about the signs, symptoms and consequences of schizophrenia, and about the preferred treatments.

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Download the document (491 Ko), 8,5 x 11, 4 pages
Taking care of young people's mental health

Helps parents and educators to prevent and better understand mental health problems in young people.

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Download the document (464 Ko), 8,5 x 11, 4 pages
Taking your mental health treatment to heart

Provides tools to help patients suffering from a mental illness follow their treatment plan.

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Download the document (505 Ko), 8,5 x 11, 4 pages
Helping a loved one with a mental disorder

Provides tools to help families and friends of people suffering from a mental illness.

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Download the document (532 Ko), 8,5 x 11, 4 pages

Medication and Treatment Adherence

My medication, it's up to me!

This publication invites readers to answer a questionnaire about their use of medication, identify strategies to get maximum benefit from it, and participate actively in their treatment.

Made possible through the support of
The AstraZeneca logo is a registered trademark of the AstraZeneca group of companies
Download the document (780 Ko), 8,5 x 11, 12 pages
My treatment, I care!

It may seem obvious that if you have an illness, it's a good idea to take care of yourself. However, following a treatment plan can be challenging: only 1 in 2 people complete their full course of treatment. This publication offers some helpful ideas for successfully following a treatment plan.

Made possible through the support of
The AstraZeneca logo is a registered trademark of the AstraZeneca group of companies
Download the document (2021 Ko), 8,5 x 11, 4 pages
Treatment adherence, a shared responsibility

FOR HEALTH CARE PROFESSIONALS. Non-compliance with a medical treatment can have serious consequences. This leaflet provides an overview of non-compliance, and offers practical suggestions for initiating an ongoing dialogue that can help health care professionals better understand and respond to their patients' situation and improve adherence.

Made possible through the support of
The AstraZeneca logo is a registered trademark of the AstraZeneca group of companies
Download the document (819 Ko), 8,5 x 11, 2 pages

Other publications

Heartburn: When it hasn't gone away...

In Canada, 1 in 5 adults suffer from heartburn at least once a week, yet this health problem is often not taken seriously. This document clearly explains the causes and symptoms of heartburn, and answers the question “When should I see a doctor about it?”

Made possible through the support of
The AstraZeneca logo is a registered trademark of the AstraZeneca group of companies
Download the document (957 Ko), 8,5 x 11, 4 pages
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