Our team

Capsana's team

Capsana's reputation for excellence and credibility is based on the commitment of our multidisciplinary team, whose diverse expertise supports the development and deployment of health solutions.

Our team is composed of:

  • health care professionals in a range of specialties (physicians, dietitians, nurses, psychologists and kinesiologists);
  • communications specialists;
  • information technology experts;
  • consultants in the implementation of health solutions.

Our leadership

Our experts continually monitor their respective areas of specialization in order to keep abreast of new knowledge and help us build innovative, responsive solutions. Thanks to their skill and experience and our partnership with respected institutions and organizations, Capsana is recognized as a leader in developing and implementing health solutions.

Guy Desrosiers
President and Executive Director
514-985-2466, ext. 264
[email protected]

Dr. Louis Gagnon, M.D.
Ambassador and Founder
514-985-2466, ext. 264
[email protected]

Dr. Martin Juneau, M.D., M.Sc., FRCP
Scientific Director
[email protected]

Nathalie Vadnais
Senior Director, Partnerships and Business Development
514-985-2466, ext. 248
[email protected]

Danièle Prévost
Senior Director, Clinical Setting, Communications and Health Content
514-985-2466, ext. 226
[email protected]

Isabelle D’Aoust
Senior Director, Finance, Administration and Workplace Health
514-985-2466, ext. 232
[email protected]

Steve Christodoulopoulos
Senior Director, e-Health Innovations, Business Development & IT and Privacy Officer
514-985-2466, ext. 240
[email protected]


Jean Royer
Administrator of Distinction Capital Group


Dr. Philippe Lavoie-L’Allier, MD FRCPC
Cardiologist and prevention and rehabilitation Service Chief
Montreal Heart Institute
Professor of Clinical Medicine
Faculty of Medicine, Université de Montréal


Serge Bilodeau
Senior Consultant

Andrea L. Dupuis
Board Chair
Fondation PSI
Davies Ward Phillips & Vineberg

Naomi Francoeur-Vallière
Senior associate, private credit opportunities
Fiera Comox

Marie-Josée Gagnon
CEO and Founder

Annie Desautels
Vice president, AccèsD
Desjardins Group

Anick Sivret, CPA
Vice President, Finance
AXIUM Infrastructure

In memoriam

Dr Richard Lessard (1947-2023) a été un membre dévoué du conseil d'administration de Capsana jusqu'à quelques jours de son décès. Sa présence et ses conseils éclairants ont marqué notre parcours. Son engagement indéfectible pour la santé de tous restera gravé dans les annales de notre organisation, témoignant de sa passion pour notre mission. Nous tenons à souligner notre reconnaissance d'avoir bénéficié de l'accompagnement d'un individu aussi exceptionnel. Son héritage continuera d'inspirer et de guider nos actions en santé publique, perpétuant ainsi son impact précieux au sein de la population québécoise.

Guest members

Félicia Harvey
Undergraduate medical student
Université de Montréal

Dr Martin Juneau, MD, Msc., FRCP
Cardiologist and Prevention Service Chief
Montreal Heart Institute
Associate Professor of Clinical Medicine
Faculty of Medicine, Université de Montréal

Nesrine Ragguem
President and CEO
Montreal Heart Institute

Lyne Lazure
President and Chief Executive Officier